Sunday, April 17, 2005

Ramirez a Victim

Buck Stoval
The Union -April 14, 2005

Our Sierra College board of trustees was elected on a Republican-funded platform to defeat future construction of Sierra College in Grass Valley. Vengeance was what they responded with when winning the seats but losing the measure, and Kevin Ramirez was the name they picked when citing imaginary laws being violated.

Now the trustees are stuck with spending educational money they didn't want raised, and we are left with a frightened educational institution turning sharply toward disintegrative individualism. We should all know by now that when we ignore our children, they will turn to the drama of the streets. Ignoring their educational needs will ensure that they do.

Sadly, we can now once again learn about revenge, ignorance and intolerance from our schools, not just in them. Even locally, we are living in an upside-down world where our conservative values are neither conservative nor values, and our last guard of freedom, an educated electorate, is under constant attack both by Christian extremists and historical revisionists.

Buck Stoval
Grass Valley


At May 01, 2005 3:01 PM, Blogger Aaron Klein MUST Resign said...

The truth is, administrative pay raises were part and parcel of negotiated pay raises for staff and faculty from the previous year.

The fact is that because of massive community college cuts made during Grey Davis' administration, all community college districts were in the same situation as Sierra College...with deteriorating campus facilities.

The fact is Jerry Simmons went to Dr. Ramirez and asked for his resignation before Dr. Ramirez went to the media.

The fact is the utopia that is Sierra College has been upset by a well organized plan by **ultra** conservatives to take over the Sierra College board.

The fact is that the utopia that is Sierra College is no longer a utopia, upset indeed by two people with no experience or real interest in education.

At May 03, 2005 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I feel so sorry for Ramirez being a "victim" and walking away with such a FAT settlement. Had he been in the private sector he would be in jail without the money. Poor guy!
Ramirez knew his days were numbered when the PEOPLE spoke through the VOTE. Thus he beautifully orchestrated his departure and again thought only of himself and not the college. Why don't you realize how this man is manipulating you? You are preserving an image of a man of charactor that does not exist.

At May 08, 2005 9:07 AM, Blogger Aaron Klein MUST Resign said...

Hmmm. I wasn't aware that the Community College Pesidential position was a politically appointed office. In fact, I was under the impression that here in the United States, education, unlike in some other countries, was free of political agendas. Apparently, I was wrong -- the Sierra College Board of Trustees certainly has proved that.

Just one question? What happened to the charges Klein leveled against President Ramirez? If there had been any substance to them, certainly one would think they would be pursued and there would be formal charges.

Ramirez' settlement was what he was due, nothing more. His retirement was something he'd earned during his 30 plus years of community college service as a teacher and administrator. His "settlement" included his salary for the final two years of his contract with Sierra College.

Do you personally know President Ramirez? Those of us who do, know his dedication to community college education is an essential part of his character and not to be doubted. You need look no further than to Sierra College and how it grew into one of the top community colleges in the country during his tenure.

Can you tell me how Klein has earned any credibility?

At May 20, 2005 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should read the contract language, Mr. Haley. Ramirez negotiated into his contract the dropping of all charges against him while he was in the course of getting his handsome payout.

For those who chose to really follow the events, it was clear that Klein was the ONLY trustee who didn't want to pay the settlement to Ramirez.

It's clear what Ramirez wanted -- the chance to cut and run with as much money as he could get his hands on, a penalty for truth-talking trustees, AND a get out of jail free card.

At May 23, 2005 10:18 AM, Blogger Aaron Klein MUST Resign said...

Handsome payout? It was nothing more than Ramirez was due...the remainder of his contract. Remember, Simmons asked Ramirez to resign.

I'm sure Klein didn't want to pay any settlement to Dr. Ramirez. He just wanted him gone.

If the charges made by Klein had any merit, why have they not been formalized?

p.s. Who is Mr. Haley?

At August 17, 2005 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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