Monday, May 29, 2006

Citizens Seek Recall of Simmons and Klein

For Immediate Release
May 29, 2006

Diverse Group of Citizens
Seek Recall of Sierra College
Trustees Simmons and Klein

A widely diverse group of concerned citizens have signed a notice of intention to seek a recall of Sierra College Trustees Jerry Simmons and Aaron Klein because they believe the two trustees have wasted money, damaged the college’s reputation and demoralized faculty, staff and administration.

The group includes five current or former Placer County supervisors or mayors, a fire chief, a planning commissioner, a Placer Republican Central Committee member, an agriculture advocate, and a former Sierra College student body president.

“The actions of these two trustees have already been incredibly costly to taxpayers and damaging to the college’s reputation,” said Rocklin Mayor George Magnuson. “We believe that their continued tenure as college trustees threatens to do irreparable harm to the institution.”

The ten signers of the recall petition are

* Rocklin Mayor George Magnuson
* Former county Supervisor Rex Bloomfield
* Lincoln Planning Commissioner Allen Cuenca
* Former Roseville Mayor Mel Hamel
* Republican Central Committee member Laura Hancock
* Former Auburn Mayor Cheryl Maki,
* Agriculture advocate Joanne Neft
* Retired teacher and former Sierra College Student Body President Shirley Russell
* West Placer Municipal Advisory Committee Chair Terry Dee Webb
* Former county Supervisor Harriet White.

Both Simmons and Klein are in their first term as elected public servants. The group hopes to make it their last.

“Simmons and Klein are a malignant cancer that must be removed to preserve the health of Sierra College,” said Bloomfield. “Simmons has threatened professors, staff and administrators. He reportedly screams at them and has been asked more than once to stop using profanity when he loses control of his temper.”

Last year, Simmons and Klein led the charge to remove former Sierra College President Kevin Ramirez based on allegations that the Placer County Grand Jury recently described as being “totally without merit.” The grand jury recommended that Klein and the entire board of trustees apologize to Ramirez for forcing him to seek retirement.

College financial documents supplied to the grand jury indicate that Ramirez’ forced resignation cost the district more than $620,000 in retirement benefits, contract buy-out and legal fees. That amount doesn’t capture the true financial toll on the school, which still hasn’t recovered from severe enrollment declines following the very public smear campaign that led to Ramirez’ demise. School administrators say there is currently an actual $2 million enrollment shortfall from anticipated revenues.

The recall notices will be served on Klein and Simmons Tuesday morning by registered mail. A copy of the notice will also be filed with the Placer County Clerk Tuesday.
Mass signature-gathering activities will begin after the petition’s language is approved and the two trustees have an opportunity to respond. An Internet address,, has been reserved for a Web site to be launched in the near future, Bloomfield said. Details of how to volunteer or financially support the effort will be available soon on the Web site.

Copies of the notices of intent to recall are attached.

For More Information:
Rocklin Mayor George Magnuson (916) 624-1119
Former Supervisor Rex Bloomfield (530) 878-0155
Retired teacher Shirley Russell (916) 645-3740

Notice of Intention to Circulate Recall Petition
To the Honorable Jerry Simmons:

Pursuant to Section 11020, California Elections Code, the undersigned registered qualified voters of Sierra Community College District, in the State of California, hereby give notice that we are the proponents of a recall petition and that we intend to seek your recall and removal from the office of Sierra Community College board of trustees, in the Sierra Community College District, California, and to demand election of a successor in that office.
The grounds for recall are as follows:

During his tenure on the Sierra College Board, Jerry Simmons harmed the college by his irresponsible and unethical behavior. As a co-conspirator with Aaron Klein, he worked at removing the Sierra College president. Jerry attempted to bolster Aaron Klein’s unfounded and absurd complaint with gossip he heard in a restroom. Both parties supposedly involved in the conversation did not substantiate his recollection. Due to Jerry’s efforts and the resulting bad press, Sierra College saw enrollments drop, the staff demoralized, and the foundation losing donations.

As a board member, Jerry Simmons repeatedly overstepped his bounds by directing administrators to silence his critics and threatening staff with their jobs if they continued to question his activities. This abusive micromanagement is not only unethical but violates the rights guaranteed to all citizens in our Constitution. Simmons’ bullying tactics first disheartened the staff but now has unified them in opposition to his inappropriate conduct.

For his mistreatment of staff and harm inflicted on Sierra College as a result of his inexcusable behavior, Jerry Simmons should be removed from the Sierra College Board.
The printed names, signatures, and business or residence addresses of the proponent’s area as follows:

Notice of Intention to Circulate Recall Petition
To the Honorable Aaron Klein:

Pursuant to Section 11020, California Elections Code, the undersigned registered qualified voters of Sierra Community College District, in the State of California, hereby give notice that we are the proponents of a recall petition and that we intend to seek your recall and removal from the office of Sierra Community College board of trustees, in the Sierra Community College District, California, and to demand election of a successor in that office.

The grounds for recall are as follows:

After a thorough Grand Jury investigation into Aaron’s Klein’s complaint against the president of Sierra College, the Grand Jury concluded the following.

· The facts in the case speak in total opposition to Aaron’s complaint.
· Klein’s complaint is utterly without merit and his allegations absurd.
· His politicized complaint inflicted damage on a senior public employee.
· Klein’s unfounded attacks demoralized the Sierra College community.
· The charges were unfounded, misleading and full of unsubstantiated allegation.

*Words in bold type are those of the Grand Jury.

After Klein’s public attacks, Sierra College’s enrollment fell; the college lost a distinguished administrator; and the Sierra College Foundation lost donations.

Aaron Klein behaved in a reckless manner, made irresponsible and absurd claims, destroyed the career of a dedicated public servant, and damaged the reputation of Sierra College. When provided the opportunity to make amends for his inappropriate behavior, Aaron Klein adamantly refused. Continuing to serve in the capacity as member of the Sierra College Board could bring irreparable harm to the college, so Aaron Klein should be removed from office.

A copy of this notice and proof of service will be filed with the Placer County Elections Official. You may file an answer to the statement of the proponents with the Placer County Elections Official within 7 days after the notice is filed. It may not be more than 200 words. If an answer is filed, a copy of it must also be served personally or by certified mail within the same 7-day period on one of the above proponents. The answer shall have the printed name, signature, business or residence address of the officer sought to be recalled.


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