Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Save Sierra College - Bipartisan effort to recall Aaron Klein and Jerry Simmons

Join the non-partisan, community-led effort to save Sierra College from the negative impact "trustees" Aaron Klein and Jerry Simmons have had on Sierra College.

A new website presents citizens the opportunity to:

1. Locate petition sites
2. Volunteer to help
3. Make donations
4. Learn the history of how these two trustee's political ambitions cost the college hundreds of thousands of dollars, forced an outstanding college president to retire, threatened and intimidated students, faculty and staff who questioned their tactics and harmed the college's reputation.

The goal is to gather 28,000 petition signatures by early July to qualify for the November ballot.

Visit to volunteer to collect signatures or to make a donation. Please reach into your pocket, add your voice and/or lend a hand. The future of Sierra College is at stake.


At June 22, 2006 6:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on the committee. We are looking for signature gatherers in Nevada County and everywhere else in the Sierra College District. I can be reached
at or at our website. Time is of the essence with the petitions. Support our effort with signatures and money. Every signature counts. Steve Phetteplace


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