Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Klein's Lawyers Shut Down Email Detailing Klein's Earmark scheme.

AUBURN – Sierra College Board of Trustees Area 7 candidate Aaron Klein is engaged in an "intimidation campaign" in a desperate attempt to stifle political expression, said "Save Sierra College Committee" spokeswoman Cheryl Maki, pointing to a recent action by Klein that Maki charged violates the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution.

"Aaron Klein is employing Gestapo campaign tactics because he can't stand the truth," said Maki. "I am frankly appalled, but not surprised that he would go to these lengths to trample the First Amendment. This is a typical reaction from a man who can't tell fact from fiction. "

At issue is a recent e-mail that the Save Sierra College Committee sent to registered voters pointing out Klein initiated an effort to engage Sierra College with a Federal lobbying firm that is being investigated by the FBI as part of the now-infamous earmark scandals. In part, the e-mail read: "$135 thousand of taxpayer money was siphoned from critical college needs without benefit of even one minute of public discussion."

"Every single charge leveled in that e-mail is backed by documented research," Maki said. "We are confident that there is not one fact that is not true." The e-mail has been posted on the Save Sierra College website.

Sierra College's initial relationship with lobbyist Peter Evich ended after two years in 2006. This summer Klein once again initiated discussions with another Washington lobbying firm, this one run by Rick Alcalde, who reportedly has ties to disgraced and imprisoned lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

On Tuesday, Klein directed his attorney to contact the internet provider, as well as Pollock Communications, who has been contracted to deliver the mass emails, and the service was shut down.

"This is despicable politics at its worst," Maki said. "There is nothing more un-American than trying to stifle free speech. Aaron Klein should withdraw this pathetic gambit. "

Two years ago, Klein and Jerry Simmons, who is not running for reelection, were the subjects of a recall campaign after a Placer County Grand Jury called Klein's charges filed against then College President Kevin Ramirez as utterly without merit. The eventual settlement with Ramirez cost the college $600,000. Klein continues to evade responsibility for his actions, in spite of the Grand Jury's overwhelming proof that he had acted recklessly and without evidence.
"It is sad that Klein has demonstrated that he has learned nothing in the last four years, and that he would initiate yet another pathetic and immature attempt to exploit our legal systems," Maki concluded.


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