Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Voice of the People: The Union

As of April 5, there have been 4 Letters to the Editor about Klein. All four call for Klein's resignation. The majority of the online responses agree.

Letters to the Editor have red titles. Online responses are in black.

Trustees do disservice
By Roberta Swanson April 5, 2006

After reading The Union and the Grand Jury Report, particularly as they relate to the leadership of the Trustees, I wish to express concern for the future of the Nevada County Campus of Sierra College.

It is clear that at least Mr. Klein and Mr. Simmons were determined to oust President Ramirez from the time Mr. Klein was elected to the Board of Trustees. They threatened action against him which eventually led to his retirement at a substantial cost to the college. They then moved the Nevada County Provost position to a Capitol Outlay position, which probably contributed to the Provost's retirement, again, at a cost to the college (read "Taxpayer") They intend to replace the Provost with a Dean, who will have less status and policy involvement.

The current Board of Trustees is doing a disservice to the District, as well as Nevada County, and should be replaced. Mr. Klein campaigned on a commitment to fiduciary responsibility. What he and others have done to the District is to create a feeling of fear and resentment, which has cost us significantly. Additionally, they have hired a new President at a salary $50,000 more than the previous President. Wake up.

Re: Trustees do disservice
by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 05 @ 07:17:55 PDT

Sounds like it's time for a recall. I wonder when a resident will obtain the paperwork necessary for a recall.

Re: Trustees do disservice
by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 05 @ 15:40:38 PDT

Rascals! Everywhere more and more rascals!Self-serving agendas! Everywhere! If it ain't Doolittle, its a college trustee; Well, the only chance we have is to root 'em out because they keep forgetting they are there for the benefit of the people and in the case of colleges, to do well for the students, not their own treasury. Looks like another money-making conspiracy to me. Do something about it. Start the recall and let us know where to sign it. I’m sure the paper will print the recall locations.Thanks also to the Union for initially breaking this story.


It's Klein's turn to go
By Tom Van Wagner
April 5, 2006

Now that the sordid little tale of Grover Norquist wannabe and Sierra College Trustee Aaron Klein has been told, it's time for him to do the honorable thing and resign. Having caused tremendous angst within the Sierra College community, having embroiled the communities-at-large serviced by Sierra College in a false debate and having caused a tremendous waste of time and money to clarify his politically motivated wrongdoing, it's time for the rubber to hit the road. The young Mr. Klein is emblematic of the radical, right wing ideologues bent on reinventing everything not Republican, using a tried and true, dirty trickster, Rovian tool-kit.

Shame on you, Mr. Klein. Please go away.

Tom Van Wagner
Nevada City

Re: It's Klein's turn to go
by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 05 @ 08:53:07 PDT

The truth couldn't be plainer. Klein is a dirty little man with bad intentions. Let's force him to resign. He is a cancer that deserves removal!

Re: It's Klein's turn to go
by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 05 @ 13:13:28 PDT

Apparently you don't follow the blog guidelines about personal attacks. Before 'forcing' anyone to do anything, I suggest you examine your own assumptions first - then you wouldn't have to be so nervous about signing your work.

By the way, if Mr. Ramirez wasn't concerned about the allegations made, he wouldn't have resigned. A person of principle might have chosen otherwise, but perhaps he was more interested in the well-being of the College. If so, I commend him.

Re: It's Klein's turn to go
by Anonymous on Saturday, April 15 @ 09:15:58 PDT

You're right. Ramirez' top priority was the well-being of the College and was the main reason he resigned. He knew he was in the minority after Klein and Leslie were elected. Given the lies these two perpetrated when Klein began his term, things would only get uglier for the college he loved. So he resigned, rather than put the college through months of upheaval. Surely, he had no idea that his resignation would also cause upheaval to the college. Klein and Simmons are only concerned about their political agenda, not the college. They should be completely embarrassed by what they did to Ramirez and should offer to resign immediately. Can you imagine what would be coming out of their mouths if things were reversed

Re: It's Klein's turn to go
by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 05 @ 13:03:57 PDT

Hang in there Trustee Klein! Obviously, you uncovered something otherwise these emotional types who enjoy the status quo wouldn't be screaming and tearing their hair out.

Re: It's Klein's turn to go
by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 19 @ 09:05:41 PDT

Uncovered something? You're sure right there! The Placer Grand Jury's Report highlights the flimsy and ridiculous reasoning Klein used after his very first month in office to hurl false charges at the former Sierra College President and cause his resignation. It's cost the college plenty in both dollars and time lost dealing with Klein's phony charges. Never has it been more clear that Klein is out of his depth. Resign Klein! Do what's right.


Klein should go
By Leslie Carroll
April 4, 2006

Sierra College Trustee Aaron Klein accused former President Kevin Ramirez of laundering political contributions through the Sierra College Foundation based on knowledge of an FPPC ruling against "another community college" that was fined for what he claimed were identical violations. Chairman Jerry Simmons claimed a conversation he overheard in a men's bathroom confirmed Klein's charges. They were wrong. A Grand Jury investigation found the charges "utterly without merit." Foothill-De Anza Community College was the college Klein cited that was fined by the FPPC. The Chancellor of Foothill-De Anza when those violations took place was Leo Chavez, recently enthusiastically endorsed as the new president of Sierra College.How could these two vilify one president, then turn around and replace him with someone who, according to them, was in charge while the same alleged campaign-filing violations were occurring in his district? Simmons and Klein should be asked to resign. The community deserves better than these two irresponsible hypocrites.Another irony: Aaron Klein ran on a platform of "fiscal responsibility." Did anyone notice that the new Sierra College president's salary is $43,000 more than Ramirez's? So much for fiscal responsibility.

Re: Klein should go
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 04 @ 08:21:52 PDT

Oh boy, the feeding frenzy has now turned away from Congressman Doolittle towards Trustee Klein who is just doing his job. The Placer Grand Jury was off base editorializing. And, as for the increased salary for the new college head? When trading up for better quality you sometimes have to pay more.

Re: Klein should go
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 04 @ 09:55:22 PDT

Now if we can only GET the quality. Only then will we have to be concerned about paying more.

Re: Klein should go
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 04 @ 19:11:15 PDT

Do you know the qualifications of the candidate that was hired?

Re: Klein should go
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 04 @ 13:08:22 PDT

Klein wasn't doing his job, he attacked the College president without having all the facts and grossly misinterpting the few facts he did posess. The man is clearly not qualified for the position . And by the way...the Grand Jury was well within their scope and right to editoralize on the investigation.

Re: Klein should go
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 04 @ 13:43:24 PDT

Unfortunately his job is actually neo-con hitman, puppet and shill, which is not the job description that went with his placement. I know, we're wrong, Doolittle and Klein are the epitome of the type of people we should have running our lives and government.

Re: Klein should go
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 04 @ 19:32:48 PDT

There was no reason to "trade up." Ramirez was a stellar educational leader. During his tenure, Sierra flourished and grew from a small one-campus community college into one of the best community colleges in the nation. Why fix what wasn’t broken? Could it be Klein has a political agenda? Naaa.

How could you even think Klein was “just doing his job?” His job is to set policy for the college district in a responsible manner. It took him less than a month in office to falsely accuse the college president of financial "money laundering" -- his terms, not mine --- based partially on a conversation supposedly overheard in a men's john by Jerry Simmons (can you believe THAT?) and partially on his knowledge about another community college being fined for campaign funding violations he claimed were identical to what he was accusing Ramirez of doing. He didn't even take the time to learn that he was vastly mistaken about those violations -- not only weren't they even close to the violations he accused Ramirez of doing, they happened during a time when the president he JUST HIRED was in charge of that same community college!

If Klein REALLY believed he was right about these charges, he would be accusing the *** president he just hired *** of the very same violations he alleged Ramirez committed. This is “just doing his job?” Unbelievable!

Re: Klein should go
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 04 @ 08:33:59 PDT

Klein's false allegations effectively ended Ramirez' career and cast aspersions on his good character. Rather than being a mature adult and offering an apology to Ramirez, Klein instead was unrepentant. Is this the kind of person we want as a trustee of our community college? I think not.

Re: Klein should go
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 04 @ 11:17:53 PDT

Oh horse pucky. Ramirez' career isn't over. He's a consultant now and his income potential is only limited to the quantity and quality of his connects which in his case is deep and broad. So put the kleenex away. Klein did Ramirez a big favor. It's he who should be thanking Klein.

Re: Klein should go
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 04 @ 13:44:45 PDT

Unbelievable comment. Unbelievable, I'm speechless.

Re: Klein should go
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 04 @ 19:09:27 PDT

Call 911 if you have a medical problem while reading these comments. My gracious, people should have been taught what to do when they have a speech problem. Oh, sorry not being PC. I should have said when they have a disability. Hand on the hip: "Unreal to the 10th! "

Re: Klein should go
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 04 @ 16:45:51 PDT

I'm *outraged* that Klein and Simmons hired someone who was the chancellor of a community college that was fined for what they claimed were the same campaign funding violations they'd accused Ramirez of committing. How can they explain THAT!??? Are they really that inept?! How can they look at themselves in the mirror?


Klein's motive
By Michelle Olsen
April 1, 2006

Contrary to last week's Grand Jury report, I don't believe it was a question of Aaron Klein not doing his homework when he accused Kevin Ramirez of mishandling Sierra College funds. Rather, it appears to be a ploy to jump-start a well-financed political career through false allegations that generated front page stories. End justifies the means, Aaron?

Michelle Olsen
Penn Valley

Re: Klein's motive
by Anonymous on Saturday, April 01 @ 16:20:20 PST

It is obvious that you have not read the entire Report of the Placer County Grand Jury but have instead based your conspiracy theory and ignorance on just what the newspapers chose to print. The Grand Jury found that the Bond Committees were not following the law and neither was Sierra College but dismissing the lawbreaking as ignorance of the law. The Grand Jury made a grave error in editorializing and not just presenting the facts. Mr. Klein should not have been chastised for raising issues about public money. Local Government boards are the only watch dogs we have over how our tax dollars are used. Shame on you Placer County Grand Jury. Time for a new one that isn't so biased.

Re: Klein's motive
by Anonymous on Saturday, April 01 @ 17:38:08 PST

That's funny, I read the report and came away with a completely different view. Shame on YOU, and Klein

Re: Klein's motive
by Anonymous on Sunday, April 02 @ 15:21:50 PDT

Shame on me? Wow, sounds pretty Elistist of YOU! Guess since beating up Congressman Doolittle didn't work according to plan it's now time to pile on Trustee Klein. Right?

Re: Klein's motive
by Anonymous on Saturday, April 15 @ 11:24:11 PDT
Now it's time for name-calling? NO one is piling on Klein. If you read the Grand Jury Report, you would see their findings spelled out in black and white.

The 2005-2006 Placer County Grand Jury conducted an extensive investigation leading to its Findings and Recommendations. Based on the facts, the Grand Jury makes the following findings (as further detailed in the Findings section):

1. The Foundation could, in fact, operate legally as an intermediary.

2. The Foundation had no intent to suppress donor names.

3. Filing errors were made, but they were due to inexperience, inattention to detail, and confusing underlying documentation.

4. The filing violations were minor and easily correctable.

5. The former President was far removed from the process of making the filings and had no participation in causing the violations.

6. Complainant failed to exert reasonable due diligence before making the complaint. The complaint is utterly without merit.

7. Although not the total basis for the former President’s decision to seek a retirement settlement, the complaint was a contributing and unjustified factor.

8. Complainant’s insistence that the Foundation be barred from supporting Sierra College bond measures by donor solicitation as an intermediary is an unfounded opinion.

Re: Klein's motive
by Anonymous on Saturday, April 01 @ 21:07:00 PST

Yes, read the report, if only for 5 min; it's very well written. ( here [ncfocus.blogspot.com] are some highlights and context )


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