Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Voice of the People: Klein, Simmons are 'not serving the public good'

Auburn Journal
Letters to the Editor
Monday, June 26, 2006 10:47 PM PDT

Please let me state that I admire Ben Mavy's loyalty to the Republican cause in Placer County, Journal June 15. He has been a consistent public voice in support of the issues of most concern to the Placer County Central Committee.

The Sierra College leadership is a mess. While Mavy personally may support various members of the Sierra College board, the fact is actions taken by the board, in particular, Jerry Simmons and Aaron Klein, have caused harm to the financial health of the Sierra College district, and the fact is the bond measure they sponsored failed miserably during the recent election. Someone needs to be held accountable.

Sometime you just have to take a step back and look at the facts, and ignore rhetoric and political posturing. Here's some simple facts. Serious charges were levied against former school President Kevin Ramirez. Those have been proven, without a doubt to be false charges. Simmons and Klein have shown zero remorse relative to their role in the charges, or unwarranted dismissal of Ramirez. Attendance is down. The public stated clearly in the last election how they felt about Simmons.

It is Simmons and Klein who owe the public an apology, and if they continue to maintain their stubborn position, then they are not serving the public good and should resign. It's that simple.


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