Saturday, August 19, 2006

Twisted Facts

Re: Nevada County campus is on right track
by Anonymous on Thursday, July 27 @ 21:51:15 PDT
How can Klein and Palmer write this twisted piece with a clear conscience?

Twisted Fact
Klein and Palmer imply that among their recent accomplishments is that Sierra College is "NOW" number one in granting degrees to students in California and the rate of Sierra College students transferring to four-year universities is 13th in the nation and climbing quickly.

The Truth
This is not NEW. All of the above has been true FOR THE PAST FOUR YEARS IN A ROW; long before Aaron Klein's trustee term began!

Twisted Fact
They claim that the college's budget has been balanced for the first time in four years.

The Truth
They conveniently leave out the fact that massive mid-year state-wide budget cuts beginning in 2003 made a balanced budget all but impossible for ALL California community colleges. In fact, except for those years, the Sierra College budget was balanced every year, with most years ending with a postive fund balance

Twisted Fact
They tout the new president coming on board.

The Truth
They don't mention the additional money they are paying him nor do they mention the half million dollars they paid the prior president to buy out his contract because of bogus charges lodged by Aaron Klein.

They also don't mention the fact that Klein based those bogus money laundering charges on ***actual*** transgressions made at Foothill/De Anza College when the new Sierra College president was in charge!

How on earth can these two hypocrites look at themselves in the mirror every day?