Saturday, October 31, 2009

Aaron Klein Continues to Lie

Within a month of election as Sierra College Board in 2004, Trustee Aaron Klein, John Doolittle's protégée, made false charges against the college president, forcing him to resign. A later Grand Jury investigation called Klein's charges false and irresponsible. The Fair Political Practices Commission also found Klein's charges to be baseless. Klein has refused to apologize, and has made self-serving statements claiming the FPPC ruling was wrong! Indeed, he continues to lie, claiming disclosures of political donors were not made before Election Day when facts show they were.

Klein's reckless accusations cost the college a dedicated president, years of upheaval, and over $650,000. It's readily apparent Klein needs to resign from the Sierra College Board. Sierra College deserves better


At October 31, 2009 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's completely false. The committees amended their forms with the true donors AFTER election day.

Nobody, except you, disputes this. Both the Grand Jury and the FPPC stipulated that in their reports.

They simply believe that this oversight was not worth levying a fine for. Klein has every right to disagree with their opinion on that matter.


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