Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Shocking News: Klein & Simmons hired President whom they'd alleged committed identical funding violations

It's unbelievable but true. In his Grand Jury Testimony, Aaron Klein said he based his charges against then President Ramirez on knowledge he had that

"the FPPC had fined another community college district for a campaign filing violation. He stated that the fine was in the amount of $30,000 and that the violation was identical to the ones committed by the Committees for Measures E, G, and H. "
(see the grand jury report Page 8).

That other community college district was Foothill -De Anza. The violation occurred in 1999.

Just guess who was at the helm when those violations took place???

None other that DR. LEO CHAVEZ, the person that was just hired as the next president of Sierra College, the person that Klein praised, saying in his Blog:

"His experience, the skills that he brings to this job, and his commitment to increasing access to college and excellence in student outcomes, put him in a class by himself. I am proud to have cast my vote for his appointment."

Interesting. How could he be proud to cast his vote for him when he KNEW that Chavez was at the helm of Foothill-De Anza when it was fined by the FPPC for what he claimed were identical campaign funding violations that he had accused former President Ramirez of??!!

Klein continues to claim that the FPPC's investigation will find Ramirez guilty. If he believes this, then he must certainly be sure that Dr. Leo Chavez was also responsible for the campaign violations for which Foothill-DeAnza Foundation was fined. HOW can he laud Dr. Chavez and at the same time hold Ramirez responsible? What kind of logic is this??!!

How could he be so outrageous??? How can Sierra College continue to tolerate his presence as a Trustee??!! Talk about irresponsibility?!! He should be forced to resign. Sierra College should not tolerate someone like this on their Board of Trustees.


At April 11, 2006 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A report from inside: Chavez was not ever investigated or called to testify in that matter. When it occurred, he counseled the President of the College, who was responsible for the violations, not to do it.

Don't demean a man like Leo Chavez just to attempt to score political points. That's absurd.

At April 12, 2006 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the meeting last night, both Dave Creek and Morgan Lynn, no fans of Aaron Klein, vigorously attacked the writer of this blog for this spurious and false attack against Leo Chavez.

Look, I'm no fan of Aaron Klein either. But Chavez will be ten times the president of Sierra College than Kevin Ramirez ever was. Your visceral hatred of Aaron Klein has gone way too far.

At April 13, 2006 11:09 AM, Blogger Aaron Klein MUST Resign said...

NO One is accusing or has accused Leo Chavez of anything. He did nothing wrong, he was not fined by the FPPC.

However, using the logic Aaron Klein used to launch his unfounded allegations of campaign funding violations against Ramirez, Chavez must also be guilty of money laundering since he was in charge when the violations took place.

At April 13, 2006 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous wrote:

"Don't demean a man like Leo Chavez just to attempt to score political points."

Substitute "Kevin Ramirez" for "Leo Chavez" in the above sentence. Isn't that exactly what Klein and Simmons did? And the results were devastating to Sierra College.

Everyone would like to put this behind them but Klein and Simmons continue to insist their alleged charges will be found valid by the FPPC. They **know** the FPPC won't issue a ruling until sometime in 2007 if not longer, because of a case backlog.

Klein is very lucky that out of concern and genuine love of Sierra College, Ramirez is not suing the pants off of both Klein and the College.

At April 13, 2006 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone wrote:
"Look, I'm not fan of Aaron Klein either. But Chavez will be ten times the president of Sierra College than Kevin Ramirez ever was."

Yes, he should make a great president, although it's unknown whether he will be 10 times better than former president Ramirez (under whose leadership enrollment doubled and three new campuses opened).

Ask yourself if he is worth:

- over $600,000 in direct costs of Ramirez's forced retirement.

- a dramatic decrease in college enrollment.

- a $2 million enrollment shortfall from anticipated revenues.

- sizeable decrease in college donations.

- unionization of college administrators.

- untold emotional toll on staff.

Do you think it was worth it?

I find the cost way too high...


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