Thursday, July 20, 2006

The toll at Sierra College

Jerry Simmons' strange apology

Re "Recall backers plan rally Saturday," June 16: At the last Sierra College board meeting, Jerry Simmons apologized to the community and to the academic senate and classified senate presidents for his trusteeship.

In the e-mails that he was unaware would be made public, Simmons did not deny attempting to have vocal college employees critical of his behavior disciplined. In the articles prior to his failed supervisor bid, he admitted to requesting that the classified senate president be disciplined for illegal behaviors, which, as it turns out, were not illegal at all. Nevertheless, when I read his response on the recall petition, he stated "the allegations of 'silencing critics' and 'threatening staff' are entirely false and concocted to harm my campaign for supervisor."

Simmons refused to resign as board president because he believes that he can work with the new president of the college despite his inability to work with the past two presidents. For what has Simmons apologized? For being exposed? I support the recall of Simmons and fellow trustee Aaron Klein. Information and recall petitions can be downloaded and signed at .

- Jon Naylor, Citrus Heights


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