Thursday, April 13, 2006


Let's set things straight. No one is accusing or has accused President Leo Chavez of anything. Not the FPPC, not me. Chavez did nothing wrong. He did not commit any campaign funding violations. He was not fined. The De Anza College **Foundation** was fined for campaign funding violations.

Aaron Klein testified he used knowledge of what happened at Foothill-DeAnza College as a basis to accuse Ramirez of money laundering. He claimed Ramirez must be guilty of the alleged violations because:

he was in charge and either knew or should have known about the alleged violations (See Klein's testimony in the Placer Grand Jury Report)

Well, Chavez was in charge when campaign funding violations took place at De Anza.

Using Klein's logic, Chavez either knew or should have known about the De Anza violations.

Using Klein's logic, Chavez, too must be guilty.

Using Klein's logic, how could he have hired Chavez when the same charges he leveled at Ramirez could also apply to Chavez?!!

Further, while the De Anza College Foundation was actually fined $4,000 for its campaign filing violations, it's very doubtful that the Sierra College Foundation will be found in violation according to the Grand Jury Report.

This is all about Klein and Simmons and their false accusations in a campaign to oust Ramirez.

It's about their double standards and prioritization of their own political ambitions over concern for Sierra College.

It's not about Leo Chavez. Sierra College is lucky to get him as President.

Klein and Simmons continue to hide behind the FPPC claiming that they expect the state Fair Political Practices Committee to agree with them. They know full well that any investigation of their charges won't take place for at least another year because of case backlog. By that time, Simmons will be on the Placer County Board of Supervisors and on the second rung up the political ladder ..who cares how many bodies he leaves on the way.

He and his frontman Aaron Klein have already started scurrilous accusations against sitting Supervisor Robert Weygandt, a Republican who has been the District 2 supervisor since 1994.

In his successful bid to get the Central Republican Committee's endorsement for Simmons, Klein said, "The county budget has tripled in the last six years...In Robert's (Weygandt) mind, saving the fairy shrimp and the red-legged frog ... is more important than funding our law enforcement, traffic reduction and flood control."

Of course, Klein failed to mention that the county's population has skyrocketed in the last six years which **just might** account for the budget increases. He also failed to acknowledge how important open space is to Placer County citizens.

With Klein as his hitman, Simmons is using the same slanderous dirty strategy in his run for Supervisor as he used to oust Ramirez. Are these the kind of leaders Placer County wants?

The politics of personal destruction may work but take a good look at the results. Look at what happened at Sierra College. I ask you, is it worth it?

Sierra College deserves better than Klein and Simmons.


At April 23, 2006 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you're admitting that DeAnza's violations were for real? So maybe Aaron Klein was on to something. Very interesting.

The difference is that Leo Chavez was Chancellor of the Foothill-DeAnza district, a multi-college district. The violations were at a single college, which is why their college president, Marion Canter, was the one responsible, called to testify at the FPPC, etc.

Sort of similar to the Kevin Ramirez issue. The college president was held responsible.

Thanks for making this point! Are you sure this blog hasn't been taken over by supporters of Aaron Klein?


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