Friday, July 21, 2006

Bunk and Debunk

Aaron Klein is already setting the stage for his next run for office with exaggerations and false claims about his "many accomplishments" as Sierra College Trustee on his new website. Find out the truth at: Bunk and Debunk

Don't let Klein and Simmons get away with these lies. Help recall them. Find out how by going to:


At August 03, 2006 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on this effort. You do need however to do a better job of getting the word out. The very first that I heard of this drive was a chance look at the Linclon newspaper. Now, I live in Lincoln and even use its little downtown area on occassion...why has nobody knocked on my door?

That said: In my opinion Klein is a dishonest little creep. It was for that reason that he has been long banned from calling KFBK talk shows.

Arron needs to know a couple of things: first of all; a mid-thirties male who up until recently lived at home and has developed an intense interest in being buff, while being boorishly loud about needing a good woman and verbally abusing "fags" really needs to check his homophobia at the closet door...or: tone down one or the other or just go to Faces on singles night and get it over with...
...second: all the people he screwed and lied to are just waiting out here in the tall grass, waiting for the closeted butterball to stumble (or be caught on camera with a "friend")


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