Sunday, April 16, 2006

But what about Sierra College?

According to an article in the Sunday April 16 Sacramento Bee, (see Bee Article) some are concerned that instead of focusing on the measure B bond proposal to upgrade Sierra College's deteriorating facilities, Trustees are distracted by two other issues:

Grand Jury Report on Klein's False Accusations.
On March 21, newly elected Trustee Aaron Klein was severely rebuked by the Placer County Grand Jury, saying he'd tarnished the school's reputation and helped force former President Kevin Ramirez from office by leveling unfounded allegations of financial misconduct involving Ramirez and the nonprofit Sierra College Foundation. Grand jurors said Klein's claims were "totally without merit" and called for an apology from Klein as well as trustees. The Board of Trustees must respond to the Grand Jury within 60 days.

Simmons' Race for Placer County Supervisor
Three year Trustee Jerry Simmons is focused on his run for Placer County 2nd District Supervisor. According to the Bee, Simmons received a sudden infusion of funds - $91,000 from Jan. 1 to March 17. He had previously not had any reportable campaign contributions filed with the Placer County elections office. Simmons' contributions include various developer and private interests. He claimed contributions from developers would not affect his ability to make unbiased decisions when projects come before the board for approval, should he be elected. Simmons is challenging three-term incumbent Supervisor Robert Weygandt for the nonpartisan seat. Both candidates are Republicans.

After only three years in office, Simmons is taking the next political step. Is it possible that he and Klein had higher political aspirations than Sierra College Trustee when they ran for office. Instead of working towards the betterment of the college, could they have been using their positions merely as stepping stones. If Simmons were to win the race for Placer County Supervisor, how long would it be before he started his next political climb? Should Simmons be turning his back on Sierra College's Bond initiative to feed his own political aspirations?

After the havoc they created at Sierra College, do you think this short-term team should be attempting to oust respected Republican Robert Weygandt who, unlike Simmons has proven his mettle in his 12 years in office. Simmons can only point to the damage he and Klein inflicted on Sierra College in the last year.

With Klein as frontman, Simmons has started his attack on Weygandt with unfounded and distorted charges. Sound familiar? Don't be hoodwinked by false rhetoric. This brand of attack politics should not be tolerated in Placer County. Its citizens deserve better.


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