Monday, April 17, 2006

Cover-Up? Whitewash?

It’s been almost a month since the Placer Grand Jury released a report blasting Trustee Aaron Klein for his false accusations of former president Kevin Ramirez. The local press continues to be abuzz with people calling for Klein's resignation. The Board of Trustees is required to respond to the Grand Jury report in a timely manner but at last week's Trustee meeting, the board, led by Jerry Simmons refused to do so.

Rumor has it that a subcommittee will be formed to respond to the report. My bet is that Klein, Jerry Simmons and Tim Leslie, all three of whom led last year’s charge to oust Ramirez will be the only members.

Speculations are that the "subcomittee" will continue to delay responding to the Grand Jury Report until after the June 6th Primary Election where Jerry Simmons is running for Placer County Supervisor and when staff and students are on Summer break. Futher, the June 13th meeting is scheduled to be held in Truckee, one of the few Trustee meetings not held at the main Rocklin campus.

Are these people trying to avoid public scrutiny? Stonewalling? Whitewash? Coverup? Typical Klein and Simmons dirty tricks?

Or is this pure speculation? I doubt it. Let's just wait and see how it all plays out.


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