Friday, April 21, 2006

Aaron Klein - "Political Cauterization"

There are rumblings over on the Roseville Conservative Blog that Aaron Klein is being "thrown overboard" by the people who backed him, including Jerry Simmons and being made the sacrificial lamb. See below:

From Roseville Conservative Blog
Posted by Prodigal Son 04.19.06 - 12:31 pm

... There is an appearance of distancing from Aaron Klein by the right wing clique that was involved in the unwarranted career wrecking of the former President of Sierra College. That is understandable. He is now radioactive and is being thrown overboard. Simmons is very identified with Klein. And Gaines is vying to be Leslie’s successor. Klein is expendable. That is called political cauterization.The question is, does the cauterization work? I guess that comes under the ”We’ll see” department...


At April 23, 2006 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was intrigued by this, so I went over and checked out that post and couldn't find it on the blog.

Then I discovered it was a comment from a regular liberal commenter who has no clue what goes on inside conservative political circles.

Congressman Doolittle was recently interviewed and they asked who he saw as the rising stars in Placer County. He named Ted Gaines and Aaron Klein.

The sad fact is, Klein is probably going to go far, whether we like it or not. If you've seen him speak, and I did recently, he has the ability to connect with people in a way few public officials do. And he brings small business experience to the table.

This is Placer County. He's not going to resign or be beat. And nobody is distancing from him, that's clear.

At April 24, 2006 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cauterization? What's that mean? Klein's done a huge service for Republicans by cleaning shop at Sierra College. Doolittle will make sure he's well taken care of!


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